Stronger Together Course

Marriage is a beautiful institution created by God. God designed marriage between a husband and wife to demonstrate a covenant relationship of love and life-long commitment. At the heart of God’s design for marriage is companionship, friendship and intimacy and marriage is meant to be a safe haven where you can be fully known, accepted and loved for who you are.


God wants you to have a great marriage, one that causes your love for each other to be so palpable and obvious that others are attracted to the God who created such a beautiful partnership including your children and loved ones.


Stronger Together is a faith-based course with insights from psychology. It is led by trained and experienced facilitators and designed to help you build and strengthen your relationship as a married couple. It offers you an opportunity to focus on each other uninterrupted by the demands of every-day living and to connect with each other spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Upcoming Course Dates: Coming soon

The LoveTalks Academy offers courses and workshops that help you live out your purpose, strengthen your marriage and build healthy relationships. Click here to find out more on our main Academy Page