As I write this I am filled with a sense of gratitude and all smiles, thinking I have come a long way in finally accepting that I am loved, and I owe myself love. Everyone needs to learn to love themselves. Loving yourself is about embracing God’s love for you, knowing that you are much loved by Father God and that you are valuable in His sight. Falling in love with yourself is not about being narcistic or self-absorbed, it is about knowing that the greatest price was paid for you through the shed blood of Jesus. You are precious because the price paid for you shows your worth.

Loving yourself begins with embracing God’s love for you and knowing that your life has been designed for a purpose by God. It is about agreeing with what God says about you and walking with Him to fulfil His good plans for you. Loving yourself affects your thoughts, choices, decisions and actions. It affects what you accept and what you do not accept in your life.

Do you realise that you are uniquely and beautifully woven together by Father God? Every detail of your existence has been put together by Him. He knows your gifts, talents, passions, quirks, likes, dislikes, and He loves you completely. That is what Psalms 139 tells us.

Do not allow your experiences good or bad define your understanding of who you are and how much you are loved by God. Let the word of God define you and how you see yourself. God is not done with you yet and His heart is for you to become a better version of yourself. He is committed to walking this journey of life with you but you have to start by agreeing with Him. God’s love sees the good, the bad and the ugly in you, yet He is committed to you and He keeps encouraging us to be better. His love calls out the best in us, convicting us when we need to be convicted and encouraging us when we need encouraging, believing the best of us, never condemning us or attacking us, His love is so redemptive.

God’s love for you and I is unconditional. He loves us an unimaginable way. The height, breadth, length, and depth of God’s love is something that we can never fully fathom. The extent of His love is immeasurable. It is the knowledge of God’s love for you that will enable you uncover, know, understand, and love YOU. No matter what happens in your life, never ever forget that God loves you. Let this be always an anchor for your soul in all situations.

In the words of Brene Brown; “Owning our stories and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do” and Jeremiah 31:3 reminds us that God’s love for you and I is everlasting; it is constant and unchanging.

Pause for a moment and look in a mirror. What do you see? You are special and loved by God. Say it out loud, God loves me. I am valuable because God loves me. I am not a mistake and I love me. I am a masterpiece and a work in progress in God’s hands. I love me. Thank You God.

To find out more about how you can know and love yourself by discovering God’s love for you, please visit our website and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
